Welcome you all guys,
Introduction :
Are you interested in learn something new , in Machine Learning Algorithm, Then Keep follow the steps below:
In this blog we are going to learn some points on libraries in Machine Learning and how to install Anaconda and adds-on libraries into it:
How to install Anaconda : (Follow the 10 steps below)
Step 1 : Go to the website Anaconda_Download
Step 2: Once downloaded and installed successfully , Search for Anaconda Prompt in the Windows Search Bar. Open it.
Step 3: In this blog we are going to learn about tensorflow, virtual environment, keras in Machine Leaning.
Step 4 : Type the command and press Enter
conda create --name myenv python=3.6.8
Step 5: Then type below command to activate the virtual environment. Here myenv is the virtual environment that we created.
conda activate myenv
Once it is activated, the base cmd changed into created virtual environment cmd.
Step 6: Then open Anaconda Navigator-> Environment->click myenv that we created now, click on it
Step 7: On the right side drop-down list click “Not Installed” and in the search bar, search for “tensorflow”
Step 8: After install keras and tensorflow, click on Home->Jupyter Notebook ->Install.
Step 9:Once Installed the Jupyter Notebook , Click Launch. This will redirect you to the Web browser with localhost address, Click New->Python 3
Step 10: Once Python console opened, Type, “import keras” and click Ctrl+enter. If it shows, “Using Tensorflow Backend” All the libraries are successfully installed.
Here I will share my first Machine Learning algorithm ipynb drive link, Just download the file from the drive and run it, Here in below I’ll try to explain some theory concept in this Machine Learning Algorithm to gain some knowledge.
- What is future in python used for? : It is compactible between python 2 and python 3, For eg. “print is a statement in python 2 whereas, print is function in python 3, without future import we can use print function but it is needed in python 2”
from __future__ import print_function
- What is numpy.random.seed? : Here random is used to generate the random number wheres seed is used to generate the same random number again.
- What is import? : It is the one which helps in import all the libraries in the specified python program
import keras
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense
from keras.optimizers import SGD
from keras.datasets import mnist
- What is keras? : Keras is an opensource libraries that is used in Machine Learning Algorithm and it is an interface for tensorflow libraries
- What is mnist? : minist is a dataset or database which consists of many handwritten digits images . It is mainly used for training and testing images
- What is mnist load_data()? : It is a set of 60000 28*28 greyscale images of 10 digits from 0 to 9
(x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = mnist.load_data()
- What is localhost / can we use localhost address on another system? : No , because it is a system address and it can run on another system, but if both the system are connected on the same network , it is possible
- What is Epoch? : Epoch is the number of training dataset the machine learning algorithm has completed, it produces the accuracy of the prediction.
- What is Sequential model? : It is the task for predicting the next sequence of action that will going to perform, To predict the simple data we can use Sequential model otherwise we can move on with functional API.
- What is dense layer? : It is a part of keras where each input is connected to the output node.
- Why SGD? It depends on how input data is sparse on the graph, here SGD seems to be simple , that’swhy we used SGD
- What is Optimizer? : It is a parameter and is used to reduce the loss and minimize the loss function and make our prediction better and accurate.
- What is bias? : It is the the most important one in machine learning where it reduces the probability and increases the prediction of the next value
I thought that you all gain some knowledge about it, in this first program, Let’s meet you all in the next blog.
As we are a programmer or a developer, we must know what stackoverflow is? It is the important site where we can communicate with the expert and clear our doubts and can able to get solution for the error or bug
Stackoverflow . Click on this link to redirect to that page.
!…………Thank you all, Hope you understand the steps for installation , traing and testing of the first machine learning algorithm…………….!
Balaji N …!